Ryan Grigori and his wife, Zoey started DARK ANGEL PUBLISHING back in 2001. He liked to read horror and she enjoyed paranormal / romance. So, they decided to start their own publishing company...SPECIALIZING IN PARANORMAL ROMANCE AND HORROR.
A fellow writer, Sherry Mauro (unhappy with her current publisher) was signed shortly after and joined the DAP family.
A fellow writer, Sherry Mauro (unhappy with her current publisher) was signed shortly after and joined the DAP family.
Ryan and Zoey wanted to give readers a market to explore other types of paranormal romance fiction and horror fiction.
But not Erotica. Dark Angel Publishing is an online electronic ebook and print publisher and bookseller. We at DAP provide readers with high quality literature. For our readers, we offer an ebook store for simple and instant downloads of all our novels. To authors we offer “free” PUBLISHING services.
With the high cost of printed books, more and more avid readers are choosing the ease, convenience, and savings by buying electronic downloads of books.
SPACE: Can’t fit another bookcase in the house? Ebooks are the answer. You can store thousands of ebooks on the typical home PC, Kindle or other media device, and make your personal library mobile. Most e-readers have a larger display than the average handheld device, providing an easy reading display.
IMMEDIACY: You can order a e-novel or novella from Dark Angel Publishing any time, and have it delivered to your computer INSTANTLY.
No need to drive to a store, no need to wait for a novel or novella to ship and pay shipping costs from the online bookstores. You receive your e-novel or novella from DAP as soon as you pay for your order. You get a first-rate horror and supernatural love stories from one of our brilliant authors immediately, at a reasonable price!